
Here we go... 行きましょう…

So I'm off to Japan now! I have to admit that leaving the U.S. feels like leaving home, despite writing an entire album about it not being home. Here's a picture of my last L.A. sunset:


2017-09-12 18.38.24.jpg

I played my last show in America a few nights ago, in a cool San Francisco cafe called Bazaar Cafe. Such a sweet way to say goodbye, sharing the stage with my friends, especially my surrogate kid sister Carlie Mari, who lent her beautiful voice to my last album. Below is a video from the show! The song is called "A Fair Exchange."

My first tasks upon arriving in Japan will be to learn to survive, go to the market, etc. So I'm not sure when my first musical event will be. But I'll keep you posted.

素敵なサンフランシスコのカフェで、最後のライブでした。妹のような友達Carlie Mariと一緒に音楽ができたので嬉しかったです。下にショーのビデオがあります。曲の名前は"Fair Exchange (良い報酬)"です。


Please share your thoughts or comments!


Off to Japan, soon. 日本に行く、すぐ

Hi all.  I'm moving to Japan! So I thought I would start a blog and document my experience. This is my first time blogging, so I'll be figuring things out as I get used to it.

I'm still in the U.S., but I'll be moving to Japan in about two weeks. I don't know what it means to be an American singer-songwriter in Japan, but I'm excited to figure it out. That's what I'll be exploring in this blog, as well as whatever experiences come my way. 

I'll try to post things in English and Japanese, but as my Japanese is developing, my Japanese entries will be simpler and probably have incorrect grammar, but I'll do by best.  My Japanese has improved, though, to the point where I wrote a song in Japanese. Here it is, sung with my friend Naoko Oie (@pomegranate__ on Instagram).

Please comment with questions or feedback!


こんにちは、みなさん。日本に引っ越すので、ブログを始めることにします。日本でシンガーソングライターになるアメリカ人が将来的にどうなるのか僕には分かりません。このブログで、そのことを尋ねてみたい。僕の日本語は下手だから、英語の書き込みより、日本語の書き込みは間違えてて短いでしょう。でも、頑張ります! とりあえず、私の最初の日本語の歌を見せます。
