最初の年老いた日本人の友達/My first old Japanese friend




何回も行ったので、そのおじいさんは、私の顔を見分けられるのようになりました。3週間前くらい、「何人だ?」と私に聞きました。「アメリカから来ましたけど、アルゼンチン出身です」と私は彼に答えました。少しびっくりしたおじいさんは、こう聞きました。「スペイン語をできる?」「できます」と私は答えました。おじいさんは、喜んで、「Buenas noches」と言いました。私は「Buenas noches」と彼に答えました。おじいさん、「Gracias」。そして、私、「De nada」と言いました。それから、お支払いをして 、帰りました。

次の日の夜、店にまた買い物をしに行きました。また、おじいさんはいました。「こんばんは!いらしゃいませ!」と言って、それから「あんたは、何人?」と聞きました。「アレゼンチン人ですよ」と私は言いました。おじいさんは、びっくりして、「そうか!Buenas noches」と嬉しそうにまた言いました。


Today's post is a story about my neighborhood. I wrote it to study Japanese, but it's a true story. This is the English translation.

Near my home, between my apartment and the train station, there's a small butcher's shop. Of course, they sell other things besides meet. Three people work at that shop: A man, a woman, and an old man. I believe that they are a family. Three or four times a week, I go there to buy various things. Usually it's at night, after work, and the old man is working.

I've been there so often that the old man has gotten to recognize my face. About three weeks ago, he asked me "What's your nationality?" "I came from the United States, but I'm originally from Argentina," I answered. The old man was surprised and asked "Do you speak Spanish?" "I do," I answered. The old man said "Buenas noches," and I replied, "Buenas noches." "Gracias," said the old man. "De nada," I said. Then I paid for my purchase and went home.


The next evening, I went back to the store to do some shopping. The old man was there. "Good evening, welcome," he said, and then "What's your nationality?" "I'm Argentinian," I said. The old man was surprised and happily said "Really! Buenas noches" again.

Since then, when I go to the shop, we always have the same conversation. He is my first old Japanese friend.