One Year! / 一年間!

Happy anniversary to me!  Today marks a year since I arrived in Japan. What a year... My expectations of Japan were quite high, and it has surpassed all of them. I am glad to say that I am still excited for and eager to learn Japanese, meet Japanese people, and immerse in Japanese culture. My language skills have improved to the point where I am able to make friends with people who don't speak any English at all.



Learning Japanese has allowed me to get into the music scene too, booking shows in live houses and collaborating with Japanese musicians. In addition to studying the language which I still do almost daily and making friends, my year has consisted of moving three times, having changing jobs twice, traveling to Osaka and Aichi, going to the beach in Chiba, eating all kinds of food, becoming a regular at cafes where they know my order, traveling to Korea, playing ten live shows, and most recently, recording a 2-song single CD.



The title track for the CD is Shizukanako (Quiet Child), my first recording of an original song in Japanese. I recorded it along with violinist Yoshimi Sugiura, of the jazz band Atomic Heart.

The other track is called "Lost in Japan," a song I wrote exactly one year ago, upon first arriving in Japan. The calligraphy on the CD cover was painted by my Nagoya friend Yuka Nozue.  I'm so grateful to have such talented friends!

そのCDのタイトルは、「静かな子」です。CDの中で、同じなタイトルを付くて一曲もあります。最初のオリジナルな日本語曲の録音です。この曲を、バイオリニストの杉浦 佳美が弾きます。

CDの他の曲は、「Lost in Japan」っていう歌です。この歌を、日本に来て、その最初の1週間で作りました。CDの表紙の書道は、野末侑花が書いたものどす。すごく上手な友達がいるのでありがたいです。

2018-09-18 14.46.01-1.jpg

I'll be releasing that CD at my show at Mona Records live house in Shimokitazawa, Tokyo on October 6th. You can look here for information if you'd like to come!

My next project is a music video for Shizukanako, which I'm producing with Marina Maekawa and Natsuki Toshinari.  I'm excited to share it with you when it's finished. I'll also be playing some other shows in October and November, including a birthday party show on my birthday on October 28th at my friend Megumi Rain's beautiful Cafe Cheshmeh in Sasazuka. Mizukijiku and Raven's Tale -- two great local singer-songwriter duos will join me for the celebration.


次のプロジェクトは「静かな子」のミュージックビデオです。それを前川 真梨奈と俊成名月と作ります。作り終わったら、あなたがたとシェアをできるのを楽しみしています。

ビデオと発売ライブ以外、もう三つのライブをします。そのうちで、一つは10月28日に誕生日のライブです。友達のバンドの美月時空とRaven's Taleと、一緒にそのライブをします。


This has been a life-changing year, and I can't wait for the year to come!  I'll be in touch!